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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


The Arctic & Northern Studies Program and the
Political Science Department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
are sponsoring a Model Arctic Council (MAC) from March 9-15, 2016.
The Model Arctic Council (MAC) is an experiential learning exercise in
which graduate and advanced undergraduate students from universities
across Arctic countries and around the world will convene to represent
and simulate the work of Member States, Permanent Participants, and
Observers of the Arctic Council (AC).

The following are partner institutions with UAF in the MAC 2016:
Dartmouth University, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, St.
Petersburg State University, Umeå University, United States Coast Guard
Academy, University of Akureyri, University of Lapland, University of
Northern British Columbia, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University
of Norway, University of Washington.

Participation is not limited to students with affiliations with the
above-listed universities. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students
from any university are encouraged to apply! The deadline for
applications is November 6, 2015.

Funding: All conference-related costs while students are in Fairbanks
will be covered by the host institution, UAF. This includes
accommodations (based on double occupancy), local transportation, and
meals. Students are responsible for obtaining funding to cover the cost
of their transportation to and from Fairbanks. We encourage applicants
to seek funding for transportation by contacting their universities'
administrations, their countries' ministries of foreign affairs, or
organizations or institutions working on Arctic affairs.

Preparation: All students are expected to prepare in advance for the
simulation independently and, if possible, through courses and extra
-curricular programs at their universities. All participants must also
take part in a series of online sessions on AC protocols and procedures
to prepare them for the 2016 MAC. Information about these webinars will
appear soon on our website.

Further information and the application are available at the MAC 2016

The MAC is a Thematic Network (TN) of the University of the Arctic
(UArctic) consortium. Information about the TN can be found here.

The MAC will take place in conjunction with the Arctic Science Summit
Week (ASSW). Information about ASSW can be found here.
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Address: Malookhtinsky Avenue 98, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 195196
See office on Saint-Petersburg map
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Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96
Office phone: +7 812 372-50-89  

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